§ 54.1-408. Practice of land surveying; subdivisions.
In addition to the work defined in § 54.1-400, a land surveyor may, forsubdivisions, site plans and plans of development only, prepare plats, plansand profiles for roads, storm drainage systems, sanitary sewer extensions,and water line extensions, and may perform other engineering incidental tosuch work, but excluding the design of pressure hydraulic, structural,mechanical, and electrical systems. The work included in this section shallinvolve the use and application of standards prescribed by local or stateauthorities. The land surveyor shall pass an examination given by the Boardin addition to that required for the licensing of land surveyors as definedin § 54.1-400. Any land surveyor previously licensed pursuant to subdivision(3) (b) of former § 54-17.1 may continue to do the work herein describedwithout further examination.
Except as provided, nothing contained herein or in the definition of"practice of land surveying" in § 54.1-400 shall be construed to includeengineering design and the preparation of plans and specifications forconstruction.
(1970, c. 671, § 54-17.1; 1974, c. 534; 1980, c. 757; 1982, c. 590; 1984, c.437; 1988, c. 765.)