§ 54.1-4200. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, unless the context requires a differentmeaning:
"Dealer in firearms" means (i) any person, firm, partnership, orcorporation engaged in the business of selling, trading or transferringfirearms at wholesale or retail; (ii) any person, firm, partnership, orcorporation engaged in the business of making or fitting special barrels,stocks, or trigger mechanisms to firearms; or (iii) any person, firm,partnership, or corporation that is a pawnbroker.
"Engaged in business" means as applied to a dealer in firearms a person,firm, partnership, or corporation that devotes time, attention, and labor todealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with theprincipal objective of livelihood and profit through repetitive purchase orresale of firearms, but such term shall not involve a person who makesoccasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement ofa personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of hispersonal collection of firearms.
"Firearms show" means any gathering or exhibition, open to the public, notoccurring on the permanent premises of a dealer in firearms, conductedprincipally for the purposes of exchanging, selling or trading firearms asdefined in § 18.2-308.2:2.
(1989, c. 490; 1993, c. 477.)