§ 54.1-4201. Inspection of records.
A. Every dealer in firearms shall keep at his place of business, for not lessthan a period of two years, the original consent form required to becompleted by § 18.2-308.2:2 for each firearm sale.
B. Every dealer in firearms shall admit to his place of business duringregular business hours the chief law-enforcement officer, or his designee, ofthe jurisdiction in which the dealer is located, or any law-enforcementofficial of the Commonwealth, and shall permit such law-enforcement officer,in the course of a bona fide criminal investigation, to examine and copythose federal and state records related to the acquisition or disposition ofa particular firearm required by this section. This section shall not beconstrued to authorize the seizure of any records.
(1989, c. 490; 1993, cc. 461, 493; 2005, c. 859.)