§ 54.1-505. Qualification for an asbestos contractor's license.
To qualify for an asbestos contractor's license, an applicant shall:
1. Except as provided in § 54.1-504, ensure that each of his employees oragents who will come into contact with asbestos or who will be responsiblefor an asbestos project is licensed as an asbestos supervisor or worker; and
2. Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant and hisemployees or agents are familiar with and are capable of complying fully withall applicable requirements, procedures and standards of the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency, the United States Occupational Safety andHealth Administration, the Department of Labor and Industry, and the StateAir Pollution Control Board covering any part of an asbestos project.
(1987, c. 579, § 54-145.9; 1988, cc. 765, 802; 1989, c. 397; 1993, c. 660;1996, cc. 180, 846.)