§ 54.1-603. License required; requirements for licensure; nonresidentapplicants.
A. Unless exempted by § 54.1-601, no person or firm shall sell at auctionwithout being licensed by the Board.
B. Any auctioneer desiring to obtain a license may apply to the Board andshall establish to the satisfaction of the Board that he:
1. Is a resident of Virginia and meets the application fee requirements setby the Board;
2. Is covered by a surety bond, executed by a surety company authorized to dobusiness in this Commonwealth, in a reasonable amount to be fixed by theBoard, conditioned upon the faithful and honest conduct of his business oremployment;
3. Has successfully completed a course of study at a school of auctioneeringwhich has obtained course approval from the Board or an equivalent course; and
4. Has passed the Virginia Licensed Auctioneer's Examination, administered bythe Auctioneers Board.
C. A nonresident of the Commonwealth may be licensed as an auctioneer bymeeting one of the following requirements: (i) conform to the provisions ofthis chapter and regulations of the Board with reference to residentauctioneers or (ii) hold a valid auctioneer's license or certificate inanother state with which reciprocity has been established by the Board.Nonresident applicants shall also file with the Board an irrevocable consentthat service of process upon the Director is as valid and binding as serviceof process upon the applicant.
Any process or pleading served upon the Director shall be filed by theDirector in his office and a copy thereof immediately forwarded by registeredmail to the main office of the auctioneer at the last known address.
(1983, c. 522, § 54-824.9:1; 1986, c. 61; 1988, c. 765; 1991, c. 299; 1996,cc. 438, 822; 1997, c. 281; 2010, c. 91.)