§ 54.1-701. Exemptions.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
1. Persons authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth to practice medicineand surgery or osteopathy or chiropractic;
2. Registered nurses licensed to practice in the Commonwealth;
3. Persons employed in state or local penal or correctional institutions,rehabilitation centers, sanatoria, or institutions for care and treatment ofthe mentally ill or mentally deficient or for care and treatment of geriatricpatients, as barbers, cosmetologists, wax technicians, nail technicians, hairbraiders, estheticians, barber instructors, cosmetology instructors, waxtechnician instructors, nail technician instructors, or esthetics instructorswho practice only on inmates of or patients in such sanatoria or institutions;
4. Persons licensed as funeral directors or embalmers in the Commonwealth;
5. Gratuitous services as a barber, nail technician, cosmetologist, waxtechnician, hair braider, tattooer, body-piercer, or esthetician;
6. Students enrolled in an approved school taking a course in barbering, nailcare, cosmetology, waxing, hair braiding, tattooing, body-piercing, oresthetics;
7. Persons working in a cosmetology salon whose duties are expressly confinedto hair braiding or the shampooing and cleansing of human hair under thedirect supervision of a cosmetologist or barber;
8. Apprentices serving in a barbershop, nail salon, waxing salon, cosmetologysalon, hair braiding salon, or esthetics spa licensed by the Board inaccordance with the Board's regulations;
9. Schools of barbering, nail care, waxing, cosmetology, or hair braiding inpublic schools; and
10. Persons whose activities are confined solely to applying make-up,including such activities that are ancillary to applying make-up.
(1962, c. 639, § 4, § 54-83.5; 1968, c. 622; 1988, c. 765; 2000, c. 726;2002, cc. 797, 869; 2003, c. 600; 2005, c. 829.)