§ 54.1-702. Board for Barbers and Cosmetology; membership; officers; quorum.
The Board for Barbers and Cosmetology shall be composed of 10 members asfollows: two members shall be licensed barbers, one of whom may be an owneror operator of a barber school; two members shall be licensed cosmetologists,at least one of whom shall be a salon owner and one of whom may be an owneror operator of a cosmetology school; one member shall be a licensed nailtechnician or a licensed cosmetologist engaged primarily in the practice ofnail care, each of whom shall have been licensed in their respectiveprofessions for at least three years immediately prior to appointment; onemember shall be either a licensed tattooer or a licensed body-piercer; twomembers shall be licensed estheticians, at least one of whom shall be anesthetics salon owner and one of whom may be an owner, operator, ordesignated representative of a licensed esthetics school; and two citizenmembers. The terms of Board members shall be four years. No member shallserve for more than two full successive terms. The Board shall elect achairman and a vice-chairman. A majority of the Board shall constitute aquorum.
(1962, c. 639, § 21, § 54-83.22; 1974, c. 534; 1979, c. 327; 1981, c. 447;1988, cc. 42, 765; 2000, c. 726; 2002, c. 869; 2004, c. 945; 2005, c. 829;2010, c. 91.)