§ 55-9. Conveyance of estate or interest in property by grantor to himselfand another.
Any person having an estate or interest in real or personal property mayconvey the same to himself or to himself and another or others, including tohimself and his spouse as tenants by the entireties or otherwise, and thefact that one or more persons are both grantor or grantee or grantors andgrantees in the same conveyance shall be no objection to the conveyance. Thegrantee or grantees in any such conveyance shall take title in like mannerand the estate vested in them shall be the same as if the conveyance had beenmade by one or more persons who are not also grantee or grantees therein.
All such conveyances made prior to July 1, 1986, are validatednotwithstanding defects in the form thereof which do not affect vested rights.
(1945, p. 39; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 5147a; 1986, c. 583; 1987, c. 186; 1999,c. 196.)