§ 55-172. Escheator to hold inquest; notice thereof.
On receiving such list, or upon information from any person, in writing andunder oath, that any of the conditions described in § 55-171 exists, theescheator shall proceed to hold his inquest to determine whether any landmentioned has escheated to the Commonwealth. He shall give notice of the timeof taking such inquest, by advertisement, at the front door of thecourthouse, for thirty days, and in a newspaper of general circulation withinthe county or city once, not more than thirty nor less than seven days, priorto the inquest. Notice shall also be mailed to the last owner of record, ifany, as it appears in the tax records of the local treasurer. The escheatorshall send a copy of the newspaper advertisement to the State Treasurer priorto the date of inquest. The inquest shall be held the same calendar year asthe list or information is received by the escheator. The attorney for theCommonwealth shall act as attorney for this proceeding.
(Code 1919, § 493; 1977, c. 583; 1982, c. 486; 1984, c. 315; 1988, c. 377;1996, c. 551.)