§ 55-182.1. Removal of parcels from the certificate.
If the escheator finds that the escheat of a parcel was improper, forwhatever reason, he shall remove the parcel from the certificate at any timeprior to sale pursuant to § 55-184.1. The escheator shall state in writinghis reasons for such removal to the satisfaction of the State Treasurer.Thereafter, unless a petition has been filed in accordance with § 55-176, theescheator shall petition the circuit court to correct the verdict returned tothe clerk of court pursuant to § 55-175. A copy of this petition shall besent to the State Treasurer. The escheator shall notify in writing thetreasurer or the official performing these duties, of any such error andimproper escheat. The escheator shall be reimbursed the costs incurred by himfor filing such a petition with the circuit court. The escheator shall file,and the clerk of court shall record, any such corrected verdict in theappropriate deed books.
(1984, c. 315; 1990, c. 938; 1991, c. 684.)