§ 55-210.13. Notices to be published by State Treasurer.
A. The State Treasurer shall cause to be published notice of the report filedunder subsection D of § 55-210.12 once each year in an English languagenewspaper of general circulation in the area in which is located the lastknown address of any person to be named in the notice. If no address islisted or if the address is outside of the Commonwealth, the notice shall bepublished in the area in which the holder of the abandoned property has hisprincipal place of business.
B. The published notice shall be entitled "Commonwealth of VirginiaUnclaimed Property List" and shall contain:
1. The names in alphabetical order and account numbers of persons listed inthe report and entitled to notice within the area as hereinbefore specified.
2. A statement that information concerning the amount or description of theproperty and the name and address of the holder may be obtained by anypersons possessing an interest in the property by addressing an inquiry tothe State Treasurer.
C. The administrator is not required to publish in such notice any item ofless than $100 unless he deems such publication to be in the public interest.
(1960, c. 330; 1981, c. 47; 1983, c. 190; 1987, c. 236; 1988, c. 378; 1990,c. 460; 2000, cc. 733, 745.)