§ 55-248.42. Written agreement required.
A. All terms governing the rental and occupancy of a manufactured home lotshall be contained in a written agreement which shall be dated and signed byall parties thereto prior to commencement of tenancy. A copy of the signedand dated written agreement and a copy of the Manufactured Home Lot RentalAct (§ 55-248.41 et seq.) or a clear and simple description of theobligations of landlords and tenants under the Manufactured Home Lot RentalAct shall be given by the landlord to the tenant within seven days after thetenant signs the written agreement. A copy of this chapter, including thefull text of those sections of the Virginia Residential Landlord and TenantAct (§ 55-248.2 et seq.) referenced in § 55-248.48, shall be posted in themanufactured home park. The written agreement shall not contain anyprovisions contrary to the provisions of this chapter and shall not contain aprovision prohibiting the tenant from selling his manufactured home. A noticeof any change by a landlord in any terms or provisions of the rentalagreement shall constitute a notice to vacate the premises, and such noticeshall be given in accordance with the terms of the rental agreement or asotherwise required by law. The agreement shall not provide that the tenantpay any recurring charges except fixed rent, utility charges or reasonableincidental charges for services or facilities supplied by the landlord.
B. In the event any party has a secured interest in the manufactured home,the written agreement or rental application shall contain the name andaddress of any such party as well as the name and address of the dealer fromwhom the manufactured home was purchased. In addition, the written agreementshall require the tenant to notify the landlord within ten days of any newsecurity interest, change of existing security interest, or settlement ofsecurity interest.
(1975, c. 535; 1986, c. 586; 1991, c. 500; 1992, c. 709.)