§ 55-224. When tenant deserts premises, how landlord may enter, etc.
If any tenant from whom rent is in arrear and unpaid shall desert the demisedpremises and leave the same uncultivated or unoccupied, without goods thereonsubject to distress sufficient to satisfy the rent, the lessor or his agentmay post a notice, in writing, upon a conspicuous part of the premisesrequiring the tenant to pay the rent, in the case of a monthly tenant withinten days, and in the case of a yearly tenant within one month from the dateof such notice. If the same be not paid within the time specified in thenotice, the lessor shall be entitled to possession of the premises and mayenter thereon and the right of such tenant thereto shall thenceforth be at anend; but the landlord may recover the rent up to that time.
(Code 1919, § 5518.)