§ 55-225.4. Tenant to maintain dwelling unit.
A. In addition to the provisions of the rental agreement, the tenant shall:
1. Comply with all obligations primarily imposed upon tenants by applicableprovisions of building and housing codes materially affecting health andsafety;
2. Keep that part of the premises that he occupies and uses as clean and safeas the condition of the premises permit;
3. Remove from his dwelling unit all ashes, garbage, rubbish and other wastein a clean and safe manner;
4. Keep all plumbing fixtures in the dwelling unit or used by the tenant asclean as their condition permits;
5. Use in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating,ventilating, air-conditioning and other facilities and appliances;
6. Not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair or removeany part of the premises or permit any person to do so whether known by thetenant or not;
7. Not remove or tamper with a properly functioning smoke detector, includingremoving any working batteries, so as to render the smoke detectorinoperative;
8. Use reasonable efforts to maintain the dwelling unit and any other part ofthe premises that he occupies in such a condition as to prevent accumulationof moisture and the growth of mold and to promptly notify the landlord of anymoisture accumulation that occurs or of any visible evidence of molddiscovered by the tenant;
9. Be responsible for his conduct and the conduct of other persons on thepremises with his consent whether known by the tenant or not, to ensure thathis neighbors' peaceful enjoyment of the premises will not be disturbed; and
10. Abide by all reasonable rules and regulations imposed by the landlord.
B. If the duty imposed by subdivision A 1 is greater than any duty imposed byany other subdivision of that subsection, the tenant's duty shall bedetermined by reference to subdivision A 1.
(2001, c. 524; 2008, c. 640.)