§ 55-225.6. Inspection of dwelling unit.
The landlord may, within five days after occupancy of a dwelling unit, submita written report to the tenant, for his safekeeping, itemizing damages to thedwelling unit existing at the time of occupancy, which record shall be deemedcorrect unless the tenant objects thereto in writing within five days afterreceipt thereof. The landlord may adopt a written policy allowing the tenantto prepare the written report of the move-in inspection, in which case thetenant shall submit a copy to the landlord, which record shall be deemedcorrect unless the landlord objects thereto in writing within five days afterreceipt thereof. Such written policy adopted by the landlord may also providefor the landlord and the tenant to prepare the written report of the move-ininspection jointly, in which case both the landlord and the tenant shall signthe written report and receive a copy thereof, at which time the inspectionrecord shall be deemed correct.
(2008, c. 640.)