§ 55-225.9. Relocation of tenant where mold remediation needs to be performedin the dwelling unit.
Where a mold condition in a dwelling unit materially affects the health orsafety of any tenant or authorized occupant, the landlord may require thetenant to temporarily vacate the dwelling unit in order for the landlord toperform mold remediation in accordance with professional standards as definedin § 55-225.8 for a period not to exceed 30 days. The landlord shall providethe tenant with either (a) a comparable dwelling unit, as selected by thelandlord, at no expense or cost to the tenant, or (b) a hotel room, asselected by the landlord, at no expense or cost to the tenant. The tenantshall continue to be responsible for payment of rent under the rentalagreement during the period of any temporary relocation. The landlord shallpay all costs of the mold remediation, unless the tenant is at fault for themold condition.
(2008, c. 640.)