§ 55-26.1. Validity.
Every gift, grant, devise or bequest which, since April 2, 1839, has been orat any time hereafter shall be made for literary purposes or for education,and every gift, grant, devise or bequest made hereafter for charitablepurposes, whether made in any case to a body corporate or unincorporated, orto a natural person, shall be as valid as if made to or for the benefit of acertain natural person, except such devises or bequests, if any, as havefailed or become void by virtue of the seventh section of the Act of theGeneral Assembly passed on April 2, 1839, entitled "an act concerningdevises made to schools, academies, and colleges." Nothing in this sectionshall be so construed as to give validity to any devise or bequest to or forthe use of any unincorporated theological seminary. Every gift, grant, deviseor bequest made for literary, educational or charitable purposes before April6, 1976, is hereby validated.
(1976, c. 546.)