§ 55-79.28. False statements or representations; violation of statute ororder of Board.
Every officer, agent or employee of any company, and every other person whoknowingly authorizes, directs or aids in the publication, advertisement,distribution or circulation of any false statement or representationconcerning any project offered for sale or lease, and every person who, withknowledge that any advertisement, pamphlet, prospectus or letter concerningany said project contains any written statement that is false or fraudulent,issues, circulates, publishes or distributes the same, or causes it to beissued, circulated, published or distributed, or who, in any other respect,violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions set forth in §§55-79.16 through 55-79.29, or who in any other respect violates or fails,omits, or neglects to obey, observe or comply with any order, decision,demand or requirement of the Board under §§ 55-79.16 through 55-79.29, shallbe punished by a fine not exceeding $2,500 or by confinement for a term notexceeding one year, or both.
(1962, c. 627, § 28; 1991, c. 710.)