§ 55-79.68. Alterations within units.
(a) Except to the extent prohibited by the condominium instruments, andsubject to any restrictions and limitations specified therein, any unit ownermay make any improvements or alterations within his unit that do not impairthe structural integrity of any structure or otherwise lessen the support ofany portion of the condominium. But no unit owner shall do anything whichwould change the exterior appearance of his unit or of any other portion ofthe condominium except to such extent and subject to such conditions as thecondominium instruments may specify.
(b) If a unit owner acquires an adjoining unit, or an adjoining part of anadjoining unit, then such unit owner shall have the right to remove all orany part of any intervening partition or to create doorways or otherapertures therein, notwithstanding the fact that such partition may in wholeor in part be a common element, so long as no portion of any bearing wall orbearing column is weakened or removed and no portion of any common elementother than that partition is damaged, destroyed, or endangered. Such creationof doorways or other apertures shall not be deemed an alteration ofboundaries within the meaning of § 55-79.69.
(1974, c. 416.)