§ 55-140. Judgments of United States courts affecting realty.
A copy of any judgment, order or decree of any United States court affectingthe title to, boundary or possession of, or any interest in and to, any realestate lying wholly or partly within this Commonwealth, when duly certifiedby the proper officer of any such court, may be filed with the clerk of thecourt in whose office deeds are recorded, of the county or city wherein thereal estate so affected, or any part thereof, is situated, and when so filedshall be recorded by such clerk in the current deed book in his office andindexed in the names of the persons whose interests appear to be affectedthereby, upon the payment of the same fee prescribed by law to be paid forthe recordation of similar judgments, orders or decrees of state courts.
(1934, p. 839; Michie Code 1942, § 5216b.)