§ 56-17. Right of one public service corporation to cross the works ofanother; cost.
If any public service corporation deems it necessary in the construction ofits works to cross the works of any other public service corporation, or ifany renewable generator as defined in § 67-1100 deems it necessary to crossthe works of a public service corporation in the construction of distributionfacilities that are required to (i) connect a renewable energy facility thatgenerates electricity to the electric distribution grid, (ii) distributesteam generated at a renewable energy facility, or (iii) distribute landfillgas, it may do so; provided such crossing shall be so located, constructed,and operated as not to impair, impede, or obstruct, in any material degree,the works and operations of the railroad, canal, turnpike, or other works tobe crossed; and provided such crossing shall be supported by such permanentand proper structures and fixtures, and shall be controlled by such customaryand approved appliances, methods, and regulations as will best secure thesafe passage and transportation of persons and property along such crossing,and will not be injurious to the works of the company to be crossed. The costof such crossings, their appliances and apparatus, and of the repair andoperation of the same, shall be borne by the party desiring to make thecrossing.
(Code 1919, § 3884; 2009, c. 807.)