§ 56-32. Limitation on crossing rights if altering, closing or obstructinghighway or stream involved.
No state highway or county road or stream, or watercourse, shall be altered,closed or obstructed by any public service corporation for any of thepurposes mentioned in § 56-23 until it shall have first submitted plans andspecifications to the board of supervisors or other governing body aforesaid,and to the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner, of the proposedalteration, closing or obstruction, and until after the plans andspecifications shall have been first approved in writing both by the board ofsupervisors or other governing body aforesaid, and by the CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner. And in any such case such public servicecorporation shall provide and construct an equally convenient highway orwaterway in lieu of any such highway or waterway so altered, closed orobstructed.
(Code 1919, § 3885; 1920, p. 413.)