§ 56-6. Remedies of persons aggrieved by public service corporation'sviolation of law.
Any person or corporation aggrieved by anything done or omitted in violationof any of the provisions of this or any other chapter under this title, byany public service corporation chartered or doing business in thisCommonwealth, shall have the right to make complaint of the grievance andseek relief by petition against such public service corporation before theState Corporation Commission, sitting as a court of record. If the grievancecomplained of be established, the Commission, sitting as a court of record,shall have jurisdiction, by injunction, to restrain such public servicecorporation from continuing the same, and to enjoin obedience to therequirements of this law, and the Commission, sitting as a court of record,shall also have jurisdiction, by mandamus, to compel any public servicecorporation to observe and perform any public duty imposed upon publicservice corporations by the laws of this Commonwealth, subject as to anymatter arising under this section to the right of appeal to the Supreme Courtby either party as of right in the mode prescribed by law; but nothing inthis section shall be construed to confer any power upon the Commission whichis forbidden to the courts by § 56-429.
(Code 1919, § 3902.)