§ 56-265.4:3. Mobile telephone service or radio paging service incertificated territory of another company.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the Commission, uponapplication from a telephone company, from permitting the applicant toprovide mobile telephone service or radio paging service in the certificatedterritory of another telephone company if, upon a hearing, either formal orinformal as may be determined by the Commission, after written notice to allaffected parties, the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of theCommission that: (i) The applicant is duly licensed by the FederalCommunications Commission to provide mobile telephone service or radio pagingservice in its own certificated territory; (ii) the applicant's proposedservice does not, by reason of harmful electrical interference or otherpractical reason, interfere or conflict with any like service; and (iii) itis in the public interest to grant the request.
(1980, c. 294; 1984, c. 449.)