§ 56-265.17:3. Procedures for operators in response to a designer notice.
An operator, upon notification by a designer in accordance with §56-265.17:1, shall:
1. Respond to the designer's request for underground utility line informationwithin fifteen working days in accordance with subdivisions 2, 3, and 4 ofthis section;
2. Provide designers with the operator's name, the type of undergroundutility line, and the approximate horizontal location of the utility line.The foregoing information may be provided to the designer through the meansthat include, but are not limited to, field locates, maps, surveys,installation records or other means. If the designer requests field locates,the operator shall provide field locates in accordance with the accuracy setforth in subsection A of § 56-265.19. Marking shall be done by both paint andflags whenever possible;
3. Provide such information about the location of the utility lines todesigners for informational purposes only. Operators will not be liable forany incorrect information provided or for the subsequent use of thisinformation, nor will they be subject to civil penalties for the accuracy ofthe information or marks provided. Any concerns about the accuracy ofinformation or marks should be directed to the appropriate operator; and
4. Respond to the operator-excavator information exchange system by no laterthan 7:00 a.m. on the sixteenth working day following the designer's noticeto the notification center.
(2002, c. 841.)