§ 56-265.22:1. Meetings between excavators and operators.
A. Any person planning excavation or demolition in such proximity to theunderground utility lines that the utility lines may be destroyed, damaged,dislocated, or disturbed may request a meeting with the operator whoseunderground utility lines are located in the area of the proposed excavationor demolition to discuss the marking of such lines. The project requiringexcavation shall be of sufficient complexity to require a pre-markingmeeting. The meeting notice shall include all information required by §56-265.18 and a specific time and location for the meeting.
B. The notification center shall, upon receiving a meeting notice, notify allmember operators whose underground utility lines are located in the area ofthe proposed excavation or demolition. The notification center shall provideto the excavator the names of those operators being notified of the meeting.
C. The operators notified by the notification center shall meet with theexcavator by 7:00 a.m. on the third working day following the excavator'smeeting notice. If an operator does not agree to the excavator's suggestedtime and location, the operator shall set up a mutually agreeable time andlocation to meet no later than 7:00 a.m. on the third working day followingthe meeting notice.
D. The excavator's meeting notice shall not be the notice to excavaterequired under § 56-265.17. The notice to excavate required under § 56-265.17for the project shall not be submitted to the notification center until afterthe meeting referenced in subsection A of this section has occurred, or after7:00 a.m. on the third working day following the meeting notice.
(2002, c. 841.)