§ 56-235.1. Conservation of energy and capital resources.
It shall be the duty of the Commission to investigate from time to time theacts, practices, rates or charges of public utilities so as to determinewhether such acts, practices, rates or charges are reasonably calculated topromote the maximum effective conservation and use of energy and capitalresources used by public utilities in rendering utility service. Where theCommission finds that the public interest would be served, it may order anypublic utility to eliminate, alter or adopt a substitute for any act,practice, rate or charge which is not reasonably calculated to promote themaximum effective conservation and use of energy and capital resources usedby public utilities in providing utility service and it may further providefor the dissemination of information to the public, either through theCommission staff or through a public utility, in order to promote publicunderstanding and cooperation in achieving effective conservation of suchresources; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construedto authorize the adoption of any rate or charge which is clearly notcost-based or which is in the nature of a penalty for otherwise permissibleuse of utility services.
(1976, c. 379.)