§ 56-235.1:1. Rates for stand-by electric service at renewable cogenerationfacilities.
A. The Commission shall adopt regulations pursuant to its rules of practiceand procedure that require an electric utility to provide a rate for stand-byservice to customers that operate a cogeneration facility in the Commonwealththat generates renewable energy, as defined in § 56-576. Such regulationsshall allow the electric utility to recover all of the costs that areidentified by the electric utility and determined by the Commission to berelated to the provision of the stand-by service, including but not limitedto the costs of transformers and other equipment required to provide stand-byservice and the costs of capacity and generation, including but not limitedto fuel costs.
B. Within 90 days following the effective date of the regulations adoptedpursuant to subsection A, each public utility providing electric service inthe Commonwealth shall submit a plan setting forth how the utility willcomply with the regulations if it does not already have stand-by provisionsapproved by the Commission that comply with the regulations. The Commissionshall, after notice and the opportunity for hearing, determine whether autility's plan complies with the regulations.
(2009, c. 745.)