§ 56-235.7. Jurisdiction of Commission when federal governmental facilityceases to be retail customer of electric utility.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in § 56-234, the rates and chargesfor service to any federal governmental facility that is a retail customer ofany electric utility prior to January 1, 1996, and which ceases, in whole orin part, to be a retail customer of that electric utility after January 1,1996, because of its purchase of electricity from another supplier shall besubject to the jurisdiction of the Commission for the limited purpose ofdetermining the proper rate, if any, to be paid by the federal government tothe electric utility for any and all costs stranded due to the cessation ofsuch retail service, and payments of such costs shall be made pursuant to atariff filed and approved by the Commission; provided, however, theCommission's jurisdiction shall not arise unless and until the effective dateof any federal action that allows any federal governmental facility topurchase electricity from a supplier other than the electric public servicecompany now providing electric service to such federal facility.
(1996, c. 466.)