§ 56-237. How changes in rates effected; notice required; changes to beindicated on schedules.
No change shall be made in any schedule filed pursuant to the precedingsection (§ 56-236), including schedules of joint rates, except after thirtydays' notice to the Commission, in such manner as the Commission may require,and to the public, in such manner as prescribed in § 56-237.1, and all suchchanged rates, tolls, charges, rules, and regulations shall be plainlyindicated upon existing schedules or by filing new schedules in lieu thereofnot less than thirty days prior to the time the same are to take effect;provided, that the Commission may, in particular cases, authorize orprescribe a less time in which changes may be made; and provided furtherthat, in the case of water companies, the notice to the public shall setforth the proposed rates and charges.
(Code 1919, § 4066; 1918, p. 674; 1924, p. 539; 1927, p. 123; 1954, c. 298;1976, c. 763.)