§ 56-237.1. Same; notification of intent to seek rate change.
A. Every public utility which indicates upon existing schedules, or upon newschedules filed in lieu thereof, changes in rates, tolls, charges, rules andregulations, shall cause to have published, once a week for four successiveweeks, in one or more newspapers in circulation in its franchise area andapproved by the Commission, a notice of its intention to change its rates,tolls, charges, rules and regulations. The last such publication shall appearno less than thirty days prior to the time any changed rates, tolls, charges,rules and regulations shall take effect. This notice shall be in such formand contain such information as prescribed by the Commission.
B. Every public utility which indicates upon existing schedules, or upon newschedules filed in lieu thereof, changes in rates, tolls, charges, rules andregulations, shall mail to each of its customers, along with its periodicinvoice, bill or other statement advising the customer of its charges, anotice of its intention to change its rates, tolls, charges, rules andregulations. This notice shall be mailed no less than thirty days prior tothe time any such changed rate, toll, charge, rule and regulation shall takeeffect. This notice shall be in such form and contain such information asprescribed by the Commission.
C. The Commission may dispense with either or both of the requirementscontained in paragraphs A and B of this section, if either or both suchrequirements is not necessary to provide adequate notice to all of the publicutilities' customers. The Commission may prescribe additional requirementsfor notification to a public utility's customers of its intention to changeits rates, tolls, charges, rules and regulations.
(1976, c. 763.)