§ 56-241.1. Flat and measured telephone rates; certain rates prohibited.
Every telephone company which offers dial tone line or substantiallyequivalent local service shall offer to its residential and businesscustomers at least one offering of such service consisting of a single dialtone line, including associated usage, for the purpose of two-way voicecommunications within a local calling area at a flat rate unless there was notelephone company offering such a class of service at a flat rate in thelocal calling area on January 1, 1979. No residential or business customershall be forced to accept local measured rate service for calling within alocal calling area based on the number of calls, length of call, distance ortime of day, not in effect on January 1, 1979. Nothing contained herein shallprohibit the Commission from approving the voluntary tariff of any telephonecompany based on the number of calls, length of call, distance or time of day.
(1979, c. 91; 1985, c. 389; 1996, c. 378.)