§ 56-245.1:1. Customers to be notified about nuclear emergency evacuationplans.
At least once in every calendar year after July 1, 1980, each electric publicutility which owns, operates or maintains a nuclear generating facility inthe Commonwealth shall publish in a newspaper having general circulationwithin a ten-mile radius of such facility, a statement or notice prepared orapproved by the Department of Emergency Management setting forth theevacuation and other protective actions to be taken by persons or concernslocated within such ten-mile radius, in the event of a nuclear radiationemergency resulting from the maintenance, operation or failure of suchnuclear facility. After the publication of the first statement or noticerequired hereby, subsequent statements or notices shall be published at timeintervals not exceeding twelve months. The provisions hereof shall not beeffective when federal laws or regulations providing for yearly disseminationof similar information to members of the public located within a ten-mileradius of any such nuclear generating facility take effect.
(1980, c. 734.)