§ 56-245.1:2. Customers to be notified of renewable power options.
Beginning January 1, 2009, at least once each calendar quarter, eachinvestor-owned electric utility in the Commonwealth shall include in or onthe customer bills a notice directing them to a toll-free telephone number orInternet website that will provide information on the options to purchaseelectric energy provided from renewable energy sources from the utility orfrom any supplier of electric energy licensed to sell retail electric energywithin the applicable service territory, pursuant to subdivision A 5 of §56-577. The notice shall include instructions for purchasing electric energyfrom renewable sources from the utility or other licensed supplier ofelectric energy. The option shall be exercisable, at the customer's option,either via the company's Internet website or toll-free telephone number. Eachinvestor-owned electric utility shall also feature available options forpurchasing electric energy from renewable sources prominently on its Internetsite.
(2008, c. 518.)