§ 56-245.2. Definitions.
A. When used in this article, unless expressly stated otherwise:
"Apartment house" means a building or buildings with the primary purpose ofresidential occupancy containing more than two dwelling units all of whichare rented primarily for nontransient use, with rental paid at intervals ofone week or longer. Apartment house includes residential condominiums andcooperatives, whether rented or owner occupied.
"Dwelling unit" means a room or rooms suitable for occupancy as a residencecontaining kitchen and bathroom facilities.
"Energy allocation equipment" means any device, other than submeteringequipment, used to determine approximate electric or natural gas usage forany dwelling unit or nonresidential rental unit within an apartment house,office building or shopping center.
"Nonresidential rental unit" means a room or rooms in which retail orcommercial services, clerical work or professional duties are carried out.
"Office building" means a building or buildings containing more than tworental units which are rented primarily for retail, commercial orprofessional use, with rental paid at intervals of one month or longer.
"Owner-paid areas" means those areas for which the owner bears financialresponsibility for energy costs which include but are not limited to areasoutside individual residential or nonresidential units or in owner-occupiedor -shared areas such as maintenance shops, vacant units, meeting units,meeting rooms, offices, swimming pools, laundry rooms, or model apartments.
"Shopping center" means a building or buildings containing more than twostores which are rented primarily for commercial, retail or professional use.
"Submetering equipment" means equipment used to measure actual electricityor natural gas usage in any dwelling unit or nonresidential rental unit whensuch equipment is not owned or controlled by the electric or natural gasutility serving the apartment house, office building, or shopping center inwhich the dwelling unit or nonresidential rental unit is located.
B. Any building or buildings which qualify as an apartment house, officebuilding, or shopping center shall not be excluded from § 56-245.3 becausethe apartment house, office building or shopping center contains a mixture ofdwelling units and nonresidential rental units.
(1978, c. 392; 1979, c. 313; 1992, c. 766.)