§ 56-249.3. Certain electric utilities to file reports in relation to fueltransactions, fuel purchases, fuel adjustment clauses, etc.
The Commission shall require that public electric utilities, owning andoperating generating facilities, or privately owned utilities purchasingpower at wholesale for retail sales within this State, file monthly with theCommission for its review such information as it may deem necessary, whichmay include the following:
1. The various types of fuels received such as coal, oil, nuclear fuel ornatural gas;
2. The following information on fossil fuels:
a. The supplier of the fossil fuel, the cost in cents per MBTU of the fuel,with a notation of whether the fuel was contracted for, purchased on the spotmarket or purchased from an affiliate of the electric utility;
b. The quantities of the various types of fossil fuels received stated intons of coal, barrels of oil, millions of cubic feet of natural gas;
c. The average BTU content per pound, gallon or cubic foot received,whichever is applicable;
d. The average sulfur and ash content, where applicable, of the fuel received;
3. Total demurrage charges incurred at each generating plant;
4. Total cost of transportation incurred at each generating plant;
5. The quantity of fuel consumed by each generation unit in the generatingplant;
6. The average cost of the fossil and nuclear fuel in cents per MBTU'sconsumed at each plant with and without handling charges;
7. The monthly net heat rate expressed in BTU's per kilowatt-hour for eachgenerating unit;
8. The kilowatt-hour output delivered into the system on a monthly basis;
9. The monthly net kilowatt-hour interchange; and
10. The monthly system kilowatt-hour sales.
(1977, c. 125; 1979, c. 617.)