§ 56-261. Duties of companies furnishing water or sewerage facilities.
Every public service corporation engaged in the business of furnishing wateror sewerage facilities to any city, incorporated town, or county having apopulation greater than 500 inhabitants per square mile as shown by UnitedStates census, in this Commonwealth or to inhabitants thereof (whether or notsuch business is conducted under or by virtue of a municipal franchise),shall furnish at all times and at a reasonable charge a supply of water, asystem of distribution or disposal and services and facilities incidental tosuch supply, distribution or disposal sufficient and adequate to theprotection of the health of such inhabitants and to the public health of thecommunity, and any such water company shall furnish a supply of wateradequate for proper fire protection within such city or town or such countyand the adjacent territory served by the mains of such corporation. Eachperson operating a sewerage system which includes one or more sewagetreatment plants shall notify in writing, the Commission, the Director of theDepartment of Environmental Quality and each electric or natural gas utilitysupplying or distributing energy to such system that such system includes asewage treatment plant.
(1924, p. 690; 1928, p. 632; Michie Code 1942, § 4073a; 2000, c. 183.)