§ 56-263. Commission may order increase in service.
The Commission, after due notice to such public service corporation, shallinvestigate such complaint and if, upon such investigation, the Commissionshall determine that the public health of the community or its safety fromfire is impaired or threatened with impairment by reason of the failure ofsuch public service corporation to perform or carry out any of the dutiesimposed by § 56-261, or by this chapter, it shall embody such finding in anorder to be entered upon its records and at the same time shall enter anorder requiring such public service corporation to make such increase in itswater supply or such increases, changes, modifications and extensions of itsdistribution or disposal system and such changes, modifications andextensions in its service charges and facilities as may be requisite to theproper protection of the public health or safety of the community. TheCommission shall fix in its order a reasonable time within which suchincreases, changes, modifications and extensions shall be completed and mayrequire reports from such public service corporation of the progress of thework so ordered.
(1924, p. 690; 1928, p. 632; Michie Code 1942, § 4073c.)