§ 56-408. Signs similar to crossing signs prohibited.
No device or sign which is in the form of a railroad crossing signboard shallbe erected or permitted to remain on or near any of the public roads of thisCommonwealth, except as required by § 56-405.2.
Any person who shall erect such a device or sign, as aforesaid, and everysign owner who shall permit such a device or sign to remain on or near thepublic roads of this Commonwealth, and every landowner or tenant inpossession who shall knowingly permit such a sign to remain on his land inview of any public road, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and uponconviction shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100.
(1918, p. 128; Michie Code 1942, § 3985a; 1956, c. 164.)