§ 56-479. Commission to make rules; require connection between companies;inspect lines and buildings.
The Commission shall keep itself fully informed of the condition of all thetelephone companies of this Commonwealth as to the manner in which they areoperated with reference to the accommodation of the public and shall, fromtime to time, make and enforce such requirements, rules and regulations as inits judgment will promote the efficiency of the service to be rendered, andto that end may require physical connection to be made between two or morelines at such place and in such manner as in its judgment the public servicerequires, having due regard to the interest of the companies to be affectedthereby, as well as the effect upon their ability to render the best serviceto the public. The Commission may inspect and regulate the character oflines, buildings and other equipment used in the reception and transmissionof messages, and may prohibit the paralleling of the lines of one company bythose of another if in its judgment the efficiency of the service by eithercompany or the public convenience will be injuriously affected.
(Code 1919, § 4055.)