§ 56-481.1. Rates, charges, and regulations for interexchange telephoneservice.
If under Chapter 10.1 (§ 56-265.1 et seq.) of this title a certificate ofpublic convenience and necessity is issued to a telephone company to provideinterexchange service, the Commission may, if it determines that such servicewill be provided on a competitive basis, approve rates, charges, andregulations as it may deem appropriate for the telephone company furnishingthe competitive service, provided such rates, charges, and regulations arenondiscriminatory and in the public interest. In making such determination,the Commission may consider (i) the number of companies providing theservice; (ii) the geographic availability of the service from othercompanies; (iii) the quality of service available from other companies; and(iv) any other factors the Commission considers relevant to the publicinterest. The Commission is authorized to promulgate any rules necessary toimplement this provision; provided that any such rules so promulgated shallbe uniformly applicable to all telephone companies that are subject to theprovisions of this section.
(1984, c. 721.)