§ 56-484.12. (Effective until January 1, 2011) Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Automatic location identification" or "ALI" means a telecommunicationsnetwork capability that enables the automatic display of information definingthe geographical location of the telephone used to place a wireless Enhanced9-1-1 call.
"Automatic number identification" or "ANI" means a telecommunicationsnetwork capability that enables the automatic display of the telephone numberused to place a wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 call.
"Board" means the Wireless E-911 Services Board created pursuant to thisarticle.
"Chief Information Officer" or "CIO" means the Chief Information Officerappointed pursuant to § 2.2-2005.
"Coordinator" means the Virginia Public Safety Communications SystemsCoordinator employed by the Division.
"CMRS" means mobile telecommunications service as defined in the federalMobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. § 124, as amended.
"CMRS provider" means an entity authorized by the Federal CommunicationsCommission to provide CMRS within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
"Division" means the Division of Public Safety Communications created in §2.2-2031.
"Enhanced 9-1-1 service" or "E-911" means a service consisting oftelephone network features and PSAPs provided for users of telephone systemsenabling such users to reach a PSAP by dialing the digits "9-1-1." Suchservice automatically directs 9-1-1 emergency telephone calls to theappropriate PSAPs by selective routing based on the geographical locationfrom which the emergency call originated and provides the capability for ANIand ALI features.
"FCC order" means Federal Communications Commission Order 94-102 (61Federal Register 40348) and any other FCC order that affects the provision ofE-911 service to CMRS customers.
"Local exchange carrier" means any public service company granted acertificate to furnish public utility service for the provision of localexchange telephone service pursuant to Chapter 10.1 (§ 56-265.1 et seq.) ofTitle 56.
"Place of primary use" has the meaning as defined in the federal MobileTelecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. § 124, as amended.
"Public safety answering point" or "PSAP" means a facility (i) equippedand staffed on a 24-hour basis to receive and process E-911 calls or (ii)that intends to receive and process E-911 calls and has notified CMRSproviders in its jurisdiction of its intention to receive and process suchcalls.
"VoIP service" means interconnected voice over Internet protocol service asdefined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 9, section 9.3, asamended.
"Wireless E-911 CMRS costs" means all reasonable, direct recurring andnonrecurring capital costs and operating expenses incurred by CMRS providersin designing, upgrading, leasing, purchasing, programming, installing,testing, administering, delivering, or maintaining all necessary data,hardware, software and local exchange telephone service required to providewireless E-911 service, which have been sworn to by an authorized agent of aCMRS provider.
"Wireless E-911 fund" means a dedicated fund consisting of all moneyscollected pursuant to the wireless E-911 surcharge, as well as any additionalfunds otherwise allocated or donated to the wireless E-911 fund.
"Wireless E-911 service" means the E-911 service required to be provided byCMRS providers pursuant to the FCC order.
"Wireless E-911 surcharge" means a monthly fee of $0.75 billed by each CMRSprovider and CMRS reseller on each CMRS number of a customer with a place ofprimary use in Virginia; provided, however, that any fee collected or paidpursuant to the third paragraph of subsection B of § 56-484.17 is notrequired to be billed.
(2000, c. 1064; 2001, c. 529; 2002, c. 68; 2003, cc. 160, 341, 981, 1021;2005, c. 942; 2006, cc. 739, 780.)
§ 56-484.12. (Effective January 1, 2011) Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Automatic location identification" or "ALI" means a telecommunicationsnetwork capability that enables the automatic display of information definingthe geographical location of the telephone used to place a wireless Enhanced9-1-1 call.
"Automatic number identification" or "ANI" means a telecommunicationsnetwork capability that enables the automatic display of the telephone numberused to place a wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 call.
"Board" means the Wireless E-911 Services Board created pursuant to thisarticle.
"Chief Information Officer" or "CIO" means the Chief Information Officerappointed pursuant to § 2.2-2005.
"Coordinator" means the Virginia Public Safety Communications SystemsCoordinator employed by the Division.
"CMRS" means mobile telecommunications service as defined in the federalMobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. § 124, as amended.
"CMRS provider" means an entity authorized by the Federal CommunicationsCommission to provide CMRS within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
"Division" means the Division of Public Safety Communications created in §2.2-2031.
"Enhanced 9-1-1 service" or "E-911" means a service consisting oftelephone network features and PSAPs provided for users of telephone systemsenabling such users to reach a PSAP by dialing the digits "9-1-1." Suchservice automatically directs 9-1-1 emergency telephone calls to theappropriate PSAPs by selective routing based on the geographical locationfrom which the emergency call originated and provides the capability for ANIand ALI features.
"FCC order" means Federal Communications Commission Order 94-102 (61Federal Register 40348) and any other FCC order that affects the provision ofE-911 service to CMRS customers.
"Local exchange carrier" means any public service company granted acertificate to furnish public utility service for the provision of localexchange telephone service pursuant to Chapter 10.1 (§ 56-265.1 et seq.) ofTitle 56.
"Place of primary use" has the meaning as defined in the federal MobileTelecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. § 124, as amended.
"Postpaid CMRS" means CMRS that is not prepaid CMRS, as defined in §56-484.17:1.
"Public safety answering point" or "PSAP" means a facility (i) equippedand staffed on a 24-hour basis to receive and process E-911 calls or (ii)that intends to receive and process E-911 calls and has notified CMRSproviders in its jurisdiction of its intention to receive and process suchcalls.
"VoIP service" means interconnected voice over Internet protocol service asdefined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 9, section 9.3, asamended.
"Wireless E-911 CMRS costs" means all reasonable, direct recurring andnonrecurring capital costs and operating expenses incurred by CMRS providersin designing, upgrading, leasing, purchasing, programming, installing,testing, administering, delivering, or maintaining all necessary data,hardware, software and local exchange telephone service required to providewireless E-911 service, which have been sworn to by an authorized agent of aCMRS provider.
"Wireless E-911 Fund" means a dedicated fund consisting of all moneyscollected pursuant to the wireless E-911 surcharge, all prepaid wirelessE-911 charges collected pursuant to § 56-484.17:1, and any additional fundsotherwise allocated or donated to the Wireless E-911 Fund.
"Wireless E-911 service" means the E-911 service required to be provided byCMRS providers pursuant to the FCC order.
"Wireless E-911 surcharge" means a monthly fee of $0.75 billed with respectto postpaid CMRS by each CMRS provider and CMRS reseller on each CMRS numberof a customer with a place of primary use in Virginia.
(2000, c. 1064; 2001, c. 529; 2002, c. 68; 2003, cc. 160, 341, 981, 1021;2005, c. 942; 2006, cc. 739, 780; 2010, cc. 466, 566.)