§ 56-484.7:2. Approval.
The Commission shall find that it is in the public interest to approve theoffering of qualifying communications services as defined in § 56-484.7:1unless it shall be demonstrated to the Commission and found that, within thegeographic area specified in the petition: (i) the qualifying communicationsservice specified in the petition as provided for in § 56-484.7:1 is readilyand generally in the specified geographic area available from each of threeor more nonaffiliated companies and is functionally equivalent for consumersin that specified geographic area to one or more services offered by each ofthe three or more competitors; (ii) the petition is not in compliance withthe requirements of § 56-484.7:1; or (iii) the offering of the proposedqualifying communications services will not benefit consumers.
(1999, c. 916; 2002, cc. 479, 489; 2003, c. 711.)