§ 56-510. Duty of Governor when there is threat of curtailment, interruption,etc., of operation.
Whenever in the judgment of the Governor there is an imminent threat ofsubstantial curtailment, interruption or suspension in the operation of anypublic utility hereinabove mentioned he shall promptly make an investigationto determine whether, in his opinion, an actual curtailment, interruption orsuspension of operation will constitute a serious menace or threat to thepublic health, safety or welfare, and if he concludes that it will, he shallforthwith issue an executive proclamation so declaring and stating that atthe time of such curtailment, interruption or suspension of operation he willtake immediate possession of the utility, its plant and equipment, or so muchthereof as may be necessary, for the use of and operation by theCommonwealth. Where the Governor finds it advisable for effectuation of thepurposes hereof he may by proclamation advance or defer such taking ofpossession.
(1952, c. 696.)