§ 56-512. Employment of utility employees by Commonwealth; information to befurnished.
If the Governor shall issue a proclamation of intention to take possession ofand operate any such utility as provided herein, he shall immediatelyascertain what positions of employment are necessary to be filled in order tooperate the same to such extent as may be required to protect the publicsafety and welfare, and the duties incident to each such position, and shallascertain from those persons then employed in such positions whether theywill accept employment by the Commonwealth to perform like duties for theCommonwealth. Any such person who will accept employment by the State shallbe entitled to be employed and to continue in such employment for such timeas the Governor may determine. It shall be the duty of the management of anysuch utility to provide promptly and furnish to the Governor, upon hisrequest, detailed information with respect to the positions necessary to befilled and the duties incident to or pertaining to each such position, andthe name of the person presently holding same.
(1952, c. 696.)