§ 56-558. Policy.
A. The General Assembly finds that:
1. There is a public need for timely development and/or operation oftransportation facilities within the Commonwealth that address the needsidentified by the appropriate state, regional, or local transportation planby improving safety, reducing congestion, increasing capacity, and/orenhancing economic efficiency and that such public need may not be whollysatisfied by existing methods of procurement in which qualifyingtransportation facilities are developed and/or operated;
2. Such public need may not be wholly satisfied by existing ways in whichtransportation facilities are developed and/or operated; and
3. Authorizing private entities to develop and/or operate one or moretransportation facilities may result in the development and/or operation ofsuch transportation facilities to the public in a more timely, moreefficient, or less costly fashion, thereby serving the public safety andwelfare.
B. An action, other than the approval of the responsible public entity under§ 56-560 of this chapter, shall serve the public purpose of this chapter ifsuch action, including undertaking a concession, facilitates the timelydevelopment and/or operation of a qualifying transportation facility.
C. It is the intent of this chapter, among other things, to encourageinvestment in the Commonwealth by private entities that facilitates thedevelopment and/or operation of transportation facilities. Accordingly,public and private entities may have the greatest possible flexibility incontracting with each other for the provision of the public services whichare the subject of this chapter.
D. This chapter shall be liberally construed in conformity with the purposeshereof.
(1994, c. 855; 1995, c. 647; 2005, cc. 504, 562; 2006, c. 922.)