§ 56-567.1. Financing.
Any financing of a qualifying transportation facility may be in such amountsand upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by the parties to theinterim or comprehensive agreement. Without limiting the generality of theforegoing, the private entity and the responsible public entity may proposeto utilize any and all revenues that may be available to them and may, to thefullest extent permitted by applicable law, issue debt, equity, or othersecurities or obligations, enter into leases, concessions, and grant and loanagreements, access any designated transportation trust funds, borrow oraccept grants from any state infrastructure bank and secure any financingwith a pledge of, security interest in, or lien on, any or all of itsproperty, including all of its property interests in the qualifyingtransportation facility.
(2005, cc. 504, 562; 2006, c. 922.)