§ 56-592.1. Consumer education program; scope and funding.
A. The Commission shall establish and implement the consumer educationprogram developed pursuant to subsection A of § 56-592. In establishing sucha program, the Commission shall take into account the findings andrecommendations of the subgroup on Information/Consumer Education that wasestablished in conjunction with the Commission's proceeding in CasePUE-2007-00049, that implemented the third enactment of Chapters 888 and 933of the Acts of Assembly of 2007.
B. The program shall be designed to (i) enable consumers to make rational andinformed choices about the matters described in subsection A of § 56-592,including but not limited to demand side management, energy conservation, andenergy efficiency, (ii) help consumers reduce transaction costs in makingdecisions regarding such matters, and (iii) foster compliance with theconsumer protection provisions of this chapter.
C. The Commission shall regularly consult with representatives of consumerorganizations, community-based groups, state agencies, incumbent utilities,and other interested parties throughout the program's implementation andoperation.
D. Pursuant to the provisions of § 30-205, the Commission shall provideperiodic updates to the Commission on Electric Utility Regulation concerningthe program's implementation and operation.
E. The Commission shall fund the establishment and operation of such consumereducation program through the special regulatory revenue tax currentlyauthorized by § 58.1-2660 and the special regulatory tax authorized byChapter 29 (§ 58.1-2900 et seq.) of Title 58.1.
(2000, c. 991; 2003, c. 885; 2008, c. 883.)