§ 58.1-112. Return filing frequency; waiver of penalties.
A. In the case of any return or payment for a tax administered by theDepartment that is required to be filed or paid more often than annually, theTax Commissioner shall have the authority to set thresholds or otherconditions in which such returns or payments for all or any class oftaxpayers may be filed or paid less frequently, but at least annually.
B. The Tax Commissioner shall have the authority to waive penalties and grantextensions of time to file a return or pay a tax, or both, to any class oftaxpayers when the Tax Commissioner in his discretion finds that the normaldue date has, or would, cause undue hardship to the class of taxpayersbecause of a natural disaster or other reason.
C. Any action of the Department under this section shall be exempt from theAdministrative Process Act and the Virginia Register Act, but the Departmentshall preserve the reason for its action among its records. The Departmentshall promulgate its action in a manner that is reasonably calculated toinform the affected class of the action.
(1996, cc. 640, 655.)