§ 58.1-1007. Documents touching purchase, sale, etc., of cigarettes to bekept for three years, subject to inspection; penalty.
It shall be the duty of every person receiving, storing, selling, handling ortransporting cigarettes in any manner whatsoever, to preserve all invoices,books, papers, cancelled checks, or other documents relating to the purchase,sale, exchange, receipt or transportation of all cigarettes for a period ofthree years. All such invoices, books, papers, cancelled checks or othermemoranda and records shall be subject to audit and inspection by any dulyauthorized representative of the Department at all times. Any person whofails or refuses to keep and preserve the records as herein required shall beguilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. Any person who upon request by a dulyauthorized agent of the Department fails or refuses to allow an audit orinspection of records as hereinabove provided, shall have his stamping permitsuspended until such time as the Department is allowed to audit or inspectthe records. The Department may impose a penalty of $1,000 for each day thatthe person fails or refuses to allow an audit or inspection of the records.The penalty shall be assessed and collected by the Department as other taxesare collected.
(Code 1950, §§ 58-757.4, 58-757.6; 1960, c. 392, §§ 4, 6; 1984, c. 675; 2005,c. 28.)